MRI scan of lumbar spine


Dr. Frank Phillips Author of NASS Best Paper

Date posted: 10/15/2018

Last updated: 10/15/2018

Dr. Frank Phillips, a minimally invasive spine surgeon, was an author of a paper that recently won an NASS Best Paper award.

In todays healthcare environment, there is increasing scrutiny placed on assessing the value of non-surgical and surgical care in the treatment of low back disorders. The study aimed to evaluate the costs of conservative treatment for low back condition in the 6 months prior to spinal fusion surgery.

Conservative treatment in the 6 months prior to lumbar fusion surgery was extremely costly (over $30 million in 8,000 Medicare Advantage patients) related to use of medications, injections, physical therapy and imaging studies. High expenditures on non-surgical care in certain patients with surgical indications, did not avoid the need for lumbar fusion surgery.

Dr. Frank Phillips is a leader in the field and is a founder, board member and past president of the Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Dr. Phillips has participated in the development of and pioneered a number of minimally invasive spinal techniques that are now widely used.

To request an appointment with Dr. Phillips, call 877-MD-BONES or click here.