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Patient Stories
Today, seven months post-surgery, Nancy Norkiewicz says she is back to ‘100 percent.’
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After dealing with knee pain for years, Becky Johnson turned to the experts at MOR.
After surgery, Amy is back to living her life without restrictions.
Chief Brian Bressner is now back to performing his job with no pain and doing all the activities he loves.
Radka is back to difficult CrossFit workouts five days a week and pickle ball with friends three days a week.
Just three months after surgery, Jessica was happily back in the gym resuming her strength training.
Today, just one season after her injury, Molly Bradley is back on the platform tennis court.
Within six months, Sherie DeDore was back to ‘normal,’ which for her meant doing the splits again.
After a few weeks of treatment, Ric Balius has significant relief from nerve pain.
Jack Donovan, 66, of Chicago was convinced he needed a total knee replacement.
After a cervical disc replacement, Bob Leja, 62, is back to playing ball with his grandchildren and sleeping through the night pain-free.
After a partial knee replacement, Larry Corn, 65, enjoys walks in the woods over rough terrain, riding his motorcycle, and sleeping soundly.
Eight months after her second bunionectomy, Nancy Miller is more active than she has been in years.
Today, six months post-surgery, Matt Adamski enjoys pain-free golf and playing all types of sports with his son.
Earlier this year, Andersen made a French quillon presentation dagger, a very elaborate, double-edged piece that took 70 hours to create in his shop.