Traffic Alert: Construction Impacting Travel to MOR's Downtown Chicago Location

Billing Information

As a courtesy to our patients we will file your insurance forms from our office. In order to do this we will require information from you. We ask that at the time of making your appointment, you inform the customer service representative of the type of insurance you have. Additional information will be required for those injuries or illnesses that are a result of a work or auto accident or if your case is under litigation.

We will need all your demographic and insurance information prior to your appointment. We ask that at the time of your appointment you bring your insurance card and a photo ID as well as any other forms that will assist in making sure that your claim is filed correctly. These forms may include a letter from your employer (as in the case of a work injury), copy of your vehicle accident report and auto insurance for auto accidents, attorney information for cases in litigation, etc.

At the time of service you will be responsible for all fees that are not covered by your insurance, including co-pays, co-insurance, deductibles and non-covered services or items received. For your convenience we accept cash, checks, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and Discover), and money orders.

Although we are contracted with several insurance companies, it is your responsibility to make sure that our physician is in your plan. Also, if your insurance requires a referral for any services or products, it is your responsibility to obtain the correct referral for those services. It is your responsibility to know your insurance.

Although we will file your insurance forms, payment for your medical services is your responsibility. We will assist you in any way we can to help make this process as smooth as possible.