Traffic Alert: Construction Impacting Travel to MOR's Downtown Chicago Location

Financial Policies

We would like to thank you for choosing Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush, LLC (MOR) as your medical provider. To keep you informed of our current office and financial policies we ask that you read and sign our financial acknowledgement prior to any treatment. Please keep this document for future reference.

Credit & Debit Card Policy

Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush (MOR) would like you to provide us with a Credit/Debit Card or Bank Account information. This information will facilitate the settlement of any balances that may be your responsibility after we have settled with your health insurance carrier. You will be notified prior to us charging your Debit Card or initiating an ACH payment from your bank. If a valid Credit/Debit Card or Bank Account information is not provided and you are scheduled to have surgery then you are responsible for the cash portion of any co-insurance or deductible, if the amount can be determined prior to surgery. If the balance cannot be determined at the time of scheduling, then a deposit will be required to hold your surgical appointment. The deposit will be applied to whatever patient balances are not paid by your health insurance carrier (such as deductibles, co-insurances, co-pays and/or non-covered services). If you have a High Deductible Plan you will be required to pay the remaining un-met portion of your deductible to hold your surgical appointment. If the insurance carrier's benefits plus the amount on deposit exceed the amount owed for services, the difference will be refunded back to you.

Cancelled Appointments

If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please contact our office at least 24 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule your appointment.

No Insurance

Payment will be due at the time of service. If you are unable to pay your balance in full, you will need to make prior arrangements with our Customer Service Representative or Financial Coordinator.


Please bring your insurance card with you at the time of your appointment. For insurance plans that we contract with, your carrier requires that all co-pays be paid prior to any services being rendered. The co-pay requirement cannot be waived by our practice, as it is a requirement placed on you by your insurance carrier. If you do not have your co-pay at the time of your visit, you must provide us a written waiver from your insurance carrier specifically authorizing MOR to waive this obligation. You are responsible for any co-insurance, deductibles or non-covered services as required by your insurance. You will receive a statement from our office indicating what your insurance has paid. Any remaining balance is due upon receipt of that statement.


For POS and HMO insurance plans that we participate in, your insurance carrier requires that you obtain a referral from your Primary Care Physician (PCP) before receiving services. Please bring that referral with you. Any services received without a referral or proper authorization will be your responsibility.

Medicaid Secondary Coverage

Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush (MOR) does not accept Medicaid as a secondary insurance for any non-Medicare eligible patients.

Auto Accident Injury

If your injury is due to an automobile accident, we request that you provide us with any information that will assist us in getting your medical claims paid. If your services are due to and/or are payable by a third party, MOR reserves the right to treat the third party as the primary payor. This information may include:

  • A copy of the police report
  • A copy of your auto insurance
  • Medical insurance
  • Names and information on other parties involved

Payment for any services that we provide will ultimately be your responsibility if not paid promptly by another party.

Liability Injury

If your injury is a result of another party's negligence, we request that you provide us with any information that will assist us in obtaining reimbursement for the services rendered to you. If your services are due to and/or are payable by a third party, MOR reserves the right to treat the third party as the primary payor. This information may include:

  • A copy of the accident report listing claim number and responsible party
  • Medical coverage and/or attorney information

Payment for any services that we provide will ultimately be your responsibility if not paid promptly by another party.

Workers' Compensation

 If your injury is due to an accident in your work place, please be sure to contact your employer and inform them of your injury. We will need to receive authorization from your employer before we can process any of your medical claims. Please have your employer contact our Workers' Compensation Department at 708-236-2607. Failure to properly report this injury to your employer may result in your claims being denied. Denied claims will be your responsibility.

Return Checks/Rejected ACH Withdrawals

A $30.00 charge will be added to your account for any checks returned or ACH withdrawals rejected by your bank for any reason in addition to any fees that your financial institution may charge you.

Disability & Insurance Forms

There will be a charge of $20.00 for the completion of medical forms (charge is based upon number of pages and complexity of information requested). Payment is due at the time that you pick-up the forms. Please allow 7-10 days for the completion of these forms. If you would like the forms mailed to you or your insurance company, payment will be due prior to mailing.

Medical Records

 We will provide you a copy of your medical records upon request. You will need to sign a letter of release at the time of pick-up. Please allow 7-10 days for us to copy your records. If you wish for your records to be mailed, there may be an associated fee to cover the mailing costs. You may be charged for additional copies of your medical record. Rates charged are within Illinois state statutes.


We will provide you with a copy of your X-rays upon request. You will need to sign a letter of release at the time of pick-up. Please allow 48 hours from the time of your request. There is a charge per X-ray, that is payable at the time of pick-up. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at 708-236-2607.

Fracture Care

Fracture Care is billed out as a "packaged" service which includes the following:

Evaluation, the first cast or splint application and 90 days of post-operative follow up care from the date of the fracture. There are some services that we bill separately which include: X-rays, all casting supplies, replacement cast applications, evaluations for any additional problems or injuries and treatment of complications. Your insurance carrier requires that we report our services using the coding system known as the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). The codes for fracture care can be found in the Surgery section of the CPT book. This is not to imply that you will have or had surgery or that you will be or were taken to the operating room. This is how the CPT book was set up by the American Medical Association (AMA) for user-friendly purposes by both the insurance companies and physicians. Please note, your insurance company may cover these services for fracture care differently than office visits. Therefore, your services may be paid as a surgical procedure, with deductible and co-insurance guidelines applied.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Billing Department at 708-236-2607.

Credit Card Consent Form

Financial Policies